Don't have a big marketing and branding budget but want to edge out your competitoes? The good news is that you don't have to spend a lot of money to accomplish your goal. Just realize first that going the extra mile can land you miles ahead of your competitors. The first rule of thumb is to stay visible to your clients and tartet clients and always offer excellent value, up to date products and services and by all means, guarantee your outcomes.
Make sure you have a clear set of deliverables. No client wants to throw their money away on what might happen if they buy your product or service, they want clear deliverables that they can use to further their income, growth and ability to serve their clients.
Use the media to help you brand yourself as an industry leader. Branding is essential to marketing. Make sure you are seen and heard in your target clients business space as someone who is smart, strong and making a different. Get booked on radio and TV shows as a guest expert. Don't forget to go after publicity opportunties where you are asked to comment on relevant issues in your industy. You clients will love to see you out in the media making a difference.
Be a source of high quality information that can make your client more successful. This is a great way to create a strong return on investment for your client. Teach them how to use your product or service for their success. Get branded as a thought leader and national expert in your field using publicity and promotion strategies and use these media placements, such as your radio and TV appearances in your marketing strategy.
Again, be sure you know your client's business model and how your products and services can help them be more successful and influential in their competitive strategy. Brand yourself as being key to thier success and understand that if you help your clients earn more money, land new clients themselves your products and services will be in demand.
Make sure you have a clear set of deliverables. No client wants to throw their money away on what might happen if they buy your product or service, they want clear deliverables that they can use to further their income, growth and ability to serve their clients.
Use the media to help you brand yourself as an industry leader. Branding is essential to marketing. Make sure you are seen and heard in your target clients business space as someone who is smart, strong and making a different. Get booked on radio and TV shows as a guest expert. Don't forget to go after publicity opportunties where you are asked to comment on relevant issues in your industy. You clients will love to see you out in the media making a difference.
Be a source of high quality information that can make your client more successful. This is a great way to create a strong return on investment for your client. Teach them how to use your product or service for their success. Get branded as a thought leader and national expert in your field using publicity and promotion strategies and use these media placements, such as your radio and TV appearances in your marketing strategy.
Again, be sure you know your client's business model and how your products and services can help them be more successful and influential in their competitive strategy. Brand yourself as being key to thier success and understand that if you help your clients earn more money, land new clients themselves your products and services will be in demand.
About the Author:
Access additional publicity strategy to create your competitive advantage. Listen to real stories of experts, authors and businesses that experienced tremendous success in their publicity and marketing on the Annie Jennings PR site as well as Access specific business publicity strategy so you can experience your ideal levels of success.
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