Saturday, August 13, 2011

See Your Sales Skyrocketing With 3 Marketing Tactics

By Frank Woods

During high tide everything in the surface is up, and down at ebb tide, but the problem is not only in riding the high tide but in staying up. As in the cycle of life, business has its ups and downs - when t is up you sing your way to the bank and when it is down you can find yourself in the gutter. As in all rules, there are exceptions, but the exceptions are not given but earned and even taken advantages of. How to take advantage of the adverse situation then is the $64 catch phrase question.

First, the fact is that customers will buy even during the worst of times. People will still need things, things that they can't make or don't have. The key then in doing business is to know what customers need most at a given moment in time. The next step is to convince customers to buy by using the following strategy:

Just One

Customers can be like a two year old in a candy store, they want it all. You want to buy it all but you cannot because you have enough money for only one. That's why it pays to promote one product over the others. Standing head and shoulders over the others, it says I AM THE ONE. That will be the deciding factor in most cases.

Give Them a Great feeling

Customers buy because they want to enjoy the benefits of the purchase. A lady might buy a dress because she wants to feel sexy, or a man will buy a saw because he finds pleasure in creating things. Need and enjoyment therefore are the motives of a purchase.

Use word pictures to stir up the emotions that will instigate the sale. With pictures they can visualize the enjoyment that they will get from their purchase. The point is to place them in a position where they will feel the urge.

Selling a riding mower? The birds are singing, Easter lilies are blooming and kids are flying kites in the wind, spring has arrived. Its vacation time and the kids are at home, and they have the perfect outlet for their boundless energies. You have kept postponing working on your garden and you get the feeling that you have waited enough. Nothing beats mental images to bring people back to the reality that they need the things that they are seeing.

Make Contact

Following up with a customer who didn't buy can be the determining factor between and "almost sale" and a satisfied, loyal customer. You can politely inquire after they have passed up buying when they think they can afford the item and suggest you give them a call if the item is still available at that time.

Internet marketers can offer free newsletters or reports that consumers find useful and marketers find profitable. Follow up information will keep the product alive in the customer's imagination and at the same time establish a line of communication. Both parties win!

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