Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Ability Of PR In Financial Technology And Asset Management

By Alissa Leigh

During the gentler age or not that long ago, people do not spend most of their time online and everyone on marketing is conscious on where they stand. Of course, if you are in the advertising field then you have made commercials. In case you are in the public relations then that is all that you did. If you are in the design field then you create impressive visuals and graphics.

In the same way, marketing managers run advertising campaigns or PR programs which are maybe supported by brochures or other outputs from designers. At times they went totally crazy and ran incorporated campaigns that involve PR. But the problem is that most of the time the involved agencies start to fight and steal each other's budgets. This makes marketing discipline in the old days very different from what we have now. They had had different cultures and not all the time mix very well.

Right now, we're already in the internet age and individuals are highly reliant on the internet, it's almost absurd to think about any PR campaign, regardless of whether financial technology PR, or asset management public relations, or even energy PR, which doesn't involve work on the company website as well as social media, or an advertising promotion that doesn't involve PR.

Long gone are the days of limited marketing created by people blinkered in their own function. Today, there's a mix in marketing and it's very fluid since every discipline overlapping and having a lot more inter-reliant and it's this integrated method that is considered crucial to be able to truly produce an organization's voice.

So where does public relations fits in today's marketing mix, in financial technology and asset management? And what is its function?

Basically, public relations shares the same goal with all other elements of the marketing mix and this is to establish awareness of the brand, change people's attitude towards the brand and finally to sell the products.

However each element works in a way which is slightly different and PR above anything else will always be and has always been about managing the reputation of a company. This is the way PR agencies do this right after the relentless rise of digital media, which has altered.

The skill of Public relations in financial technology as well as asset management is becoming more about making a two-way dialogue making out a company's voice within the market and ensures relationships with a range of stakeholders, from potential investors to possible employees, in addition possible customers of course.

These days, there's a massive chance for PRs to generate even bolder concepts which must work across all these channels as well as the new media framework places such value on social and online communications. Additionally, PR continues to be to be the function which could provide the timeliest outreach to the external world. PR is positioned at the centre of the marketing mix in addition to at the centre of the company's outreach.

Considering that the PR's remit is now wider reaching in contrast before it's extremely hard for PR to perform to its whole effect in the event that it is the only form of marketing a company is employing. The whole marketing mix need to work together for any function to definitely reach its utmost capability.

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