Thursday, April 21, 2011

Trade Shows Can Supply Important Messages If Done Correctly

By Dean Prater

Setting up an eco trade show will contain a negative tone if the show doesn't employ eco friendly items to replace what are basically bulk produced things that are common in trade shows but aren't as green as the trade show advocates. From the display area signage, typically non-biodegradable tarpaulins to the trade event bags, everything must abide by the theme of the trade show. Whenever they don't, then, honestly, the efforts are going to be all for moot.

Being green all over the trade show isn't the only real thing that a lot of these shows miss out on. Loads of participants miss out on the opportunity to raise consciousness through the contents of their green bags that can also be utilized used for as conference and tradeshow bags. These bags, typically given away to attendees, should become packets of information and awareness increasing gifts like free memberships to paid green forums and some fascinating comments on how an eco-friendly shampoo is far better than a commercially synthesized one. Reality is, even the eco trade show bags themselves can have printed propaganda on them to ensure that they can proliferate the word.

Trade shows are primarily to seek out attention to up-to-the-minute items and developments within a specific field, but for an industry as imperative as this, much more thought must be given to the usual processes and items that customary trade shows offer. Because everything can be enhanced to become eco-friendly, organizers will do well to really think long and hard regarding all the aspects, from the eco trade show bags to the location of the trade show. If now, then we do not just neglect great opportunities to practice and pass along the idea that we require to get across. One other thing, if the show misses on lots of green marks, then how will it increase popularity and esteem as a green-centric trade show?

Not to overstress the point, but take into consideration how these eco friendly custom bags are the last items that we present to attendees. Things they take with them to use in their homes, offices or schools, the exact grassroots that we wish our message to reach. So particular attention should be given to them.

At the conclusion of the day, what we want to remind trade show organizers is this: if you'd like your trade show to be recognized, respected and to carry on, then the significance should surpass mere promotion and rise above to genuine and sensible practices. A goal, which is really just now beginning to build up steam. The eco industry will probably be a huge one. It will work not just to the green movement's, but in addition to your bottom line's advantage to take the significance to heart.

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