Monday, January 31, 2011

Invest In Branding Corporate Identity For Success

By Dylan Hall

Whether launching a new business, product or service or revitalizing an existing one, branding and identity has to be an intrinsic part of your business plan. An investment in branding and corporate identity contributes to better customer recognition, more sales and increased profitability for companies. Use of effective identity and branding strategy can be a powerful enduring marketing tool both for small and large companies. They are essential in standing out in an increasingly crowded and competitive market. Proper implementation and deployment of these can powerfully impact the strategic advantage of a company. A dynamic brand that is flexible enough to display products and services in different applications delivers a strong brand identity capable of serving as the backbone of successful marketing campaigns. A branding consultant who understands your business objectives and identifies your strategic target markets is one able to deliver a powerful corporate identity Leeds brand for your business. The branding corporate identity Leeds business is a invaluable service for the discerning customer.

With a trademark that can be dated back to 1731 as the bricks of Antiche Fornaci Giorgi illustrates by example, a corporate brand can be a mark that lasts generations. The distinctive brand of Lyles Golden Syrup named the oldest brand in Britain since 1885 has been almost unchanged through the years. This mark, and the one that Bass Brewery claims is the worlds first brand, demonstrate the lasting presence of successful branding in the United Kingdom. These early branded products illustrate this facility was utilized long before the age of mass marketing to increase the consumer familiarity with identifiable products. The United Kingdom has thus been a market for brand identification that goes back centuries. Today, every company, whether of medium size, large or small, needs to have a brand marketing strategy, be it a corporate branding or subranding strategy or a combination thereof. Developing a strong image helps customers build a perception of your product or service.

Logos are a kind of trademark are symbols of a brand that is an effective tool for differentiating a company and its product in a competitive marketplace, especially in an environment of increasingly time challenged consumers. Consumers then become accustomed to rely on symbolic representation distinguishing between different competing companies and their products. It should not be surprising that brand valuation has become a business in this era.

Corporate identity is not the same as brand identity which is not the same as brand image. When looking to commence your branding project, this should be kept in mind. The visual image associated with company presence is its corporate identity Kent. The core brand value of a company will not change with any visual identity changes.

What the product or company stands for, its personality is the brand value. Brand identity is what the company represents of itself and its products or services to consumers. Brand image is the consumer perception of the brand as a whole, which coincide with brand identity. This can mean the values possessed by the brand possesses and other associated attributes. This perception has great importance in the marketplace of competition for consumers .

Overall company business strategy behind brand creation drives implementation and brand management over its duration. The brand experience is the integrated brand identity implemented throughout the totality of the experience. A branding and identity strategy provides a brand with a distinctive positioning in the market. The successful brand is one synonymous with the qualities a company wishes to project of itself.

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The Role Of Your PR Leeds Agency

By Dylan Hall

People are often under the erroneous impression that a PR firm performs the same function as the marketing department of a company. While their functions might from time to time overlap, they are certainly not doing identical jobs. Let us have a brief look at the function of a PR leeds professional.

A public relations firm or the PR department within a company has the job of establishing and maintaining a two-way flow of information between the company and the populace. In the process it aims to make the public aware of the company's goals, objectives and products/services. It also gives feedback to the company about the public's feeling about the various aspects of its offerings

Part of the job of a PR firm or department is to portray the company to the populace in a positive way. This sometimes results in them being called spin-doctors. This is not necessarily true. A negative perception of a particular company can often be the result of the populace simply not being properly informed. By providing the relevant facts, the PR department can turn this to the company's advantage.

Whenever there's an important change at a specific company, whether it's a leadership change, new products or products being phased our, or a change in operating procedures, the public needs to be informed about this in a timely and truthful manner. This is the job of the PR guys. This is where their ties with the media comes in: they will often issue a press release to inform as many people about the change in as short a time as possible. Other ways of communicating with the public includes mailing lists and public speeches.

As already mentioned, the public relations effort is a two-way process. Not only must the public be informed, but the management of the company must also be aware of the public's response to a variety of issues. The PR department or consultants are also often required to provide advice to top management when it comes to issues that will have an effect on public perceptions.

Not only will your local PR Leeds professional therefore maintain very positive relations with members of the press, he will also excel at the art of communication. He will know exactly how best to express an idea, both verbally and in written form, in order to get the maximum public relations benefit. Last but not least, he'll also be a good listener, which is crucial if you want to be aware of what members of the public really thinks.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Maintaining A Great Corporate Reputation St. Louis

By Nell Soto

For any business around the globe today, much of their success and growth potential is often in the hands of how they are perceived. For many consumer driven purchases, there is often a dictation provided that remains solely in the hands of their particular perception of any branding of any business in order to feel secure in what they are doing. Thus, finding and creating a great corporate reputation St. Louis is always a very sound knowledge source in the very end.

In many cases, the process of building a brand of consistency and popularity is certainly not easy. There are truly countless factors and externalities that go into this process as well as affect it which could all add up to one incredible feat for any business to undertake. Thus, knowing how to mitigate this process and make it as successful as possible is often an incredibly key knowledge base for anyone to undergo.

Perhaps the most fundamental step in this process is the perks provided to employees. Treating employees well in addition to providing incredible benefits and perks is a crucial element to this entire process. This is often how businesses are ranked in many polls which also adds to word of mouth marketing.

Then, being able to build upon an amazing ability of financial transparency and integrity is actually very crucial in this entire process. There have been quite a few amazing numbers of scandals lately that have shaken the business community up quite a bit. Thus, ensuring this does not occur to your business is actually quite crucial in this process.

Providing a green environment and mode of operations is also an incredible means of creating an incredible corporate social responsibility. As the environment and conservation continue to provide huge levels of concern among consumers, this is now often a key point in consumer preference for who they do business with. Thus, ensure this is always kept in mind in the process.

Investing in the community is also a pertinent step in this process. Businesses that are involved within their communities are often able to generate quite a buzz surrounding any and all aspects of their business. Thus, one should invest as much as possible in their surrounding communities.

Finally, a great corporate reputation St. Louis is only as great as the product or service one provides. Creating an environment of amazing customer service and showing you care is crucial in this process. Building and maintaining a high quality brand has always been a cornerstone of this entire process.

corporate reputation St. Louis

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The Best Way To Get Sales Leads

By Miguel Pancardo

You're open for business and now all you need are some customers. No matter what you're selling: cell phones, encyclopedias, vacuum cleaners, or financial advice, you need to have customers interested enough in your product or service that they're willing to spend their money. Yet many sales people don't know how to generate leads effectively. There are many ways to reach customers and get financial leads, but there are only a few tried and true ones that will bring you more income than you ever thought possible. These involve SEO, Pay-per-click and other internet marketing techniques.

Sales people have tried for decades to get new sales leads in all kinds of ways. They set up booths at fairs, shopping centers, and festivals. They cold called or walked up to strangers on the street. These are all ineffective ways to get new leads. When approached in this manner, the average person will give you a flat out rejection because the do not want to be bothered or aren't interested at the moment. Some people continue to use some of these methods yet today and are relying on the law of averages to bring them an interested customer once in a while. They more people they approach, the greater the chance someone will be interested. That is not a fun way to get new leads and it takes much more work than is needed. A better way to get new sales leads is to simply let interested customers come to you.

Attracting New Customers

When you open up a local store or business, you look for ways to spread the word in your neighborhood. You might put up a sign or billboard or place an ad in the paper. That way everyone in the neighborhood would know you are open for business and they could come in and spend their money. What about when you have an internet business? You can't very well hang up a sign and expect to get new customers. Well, in a way you can although it isn't a physical sign. You can do even better by placing 'signs' that can be seen by people all over the world when you use internet marketing techniques like pay-per-click and search engine marketing.

Cold calling doesn't work, it just makes people angry and you get more rejection than you get yeses. When you use SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, you are causing your business's webpage to reach the top of the most popular search engines. That means someone is more likely to see your site if they type in your specific keywords. If they're looking for your service or product, they will find you, open your site and then you can use pay-per-click to generate sales.

If you have an internet business, or even a brick and mortar business that's supplemented by a website, use SEO and pay-per-click, as well as other internet marketing techniques so you don't waste your time on customers who have no interest in what you're selling.

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lead Generation Web Sites and Autoresponder Follow-up

By Miguel Pancardo

So you know the importance of lead generation and you realize you need those leads to stay afloat online. But what about AFTER the lead is generated? What do you do with it? What is the next step? Let's look at those questions right now.

Following up with a new lead is about as important as fertilizer is to a farmer's crops. It helps the growth process. That person on the other end of the computer needs to know that you are real and trustworthy. So you don't want to be aloof and remain totally anonymous. In other words, you need to follow up with that contact immediately.

Using an autoresponder is the most effective way to follow up with leads. An autoresponder is a piece of software that helps the user keep up with new leads, manage older contacts and follow up with both on a regular basis. This process is particularly important at the beginning of the relationship. And yes, relationship is the right word. You are developing faith and trust in each other.

As soon as someone signs up for your mailing list, an autoresponder immediately sends an email welcoming the new lead or thanking them for joining. The autoresponder can be set to send as many messages as you need at the intervals you determine are appropriate. While the initial message should be sent right away, later messages can be sent at the intervals you set in the autoresponder. These intervals can be daily, weekly or any other time period you select.

Subsequent messages will walk them through your system, offering other items along the way. Since you probably gave them something for free at the outset, you have already set a precedent that you do what you say you will do. As you bring the prospect along, you can sell them other low end products and build their trust as you do. At the end of this process, you will then offer your main money maker and hopefully they will buy it.

An autoresponder can do several other things in addition to helping in this way. If you receive a lot of inquiries and signups, an autoresponder will organize your prospect list and tell you precisely how far every person has progressed through the process. An autoresponder will also let you send individual messages called "announcements" whenever you think it's appropriate. For example, you might get a great deal on an especially good product. You can offer it to your prospects by sending an announcement.

Spam reports are a risk with email marketing. However, autoresponder software protects you from the danger of these reports by including an "unsubscribe" link in every message. If an email recipient has the ability to opt out at any time but doesn't, then your emails are not spam and you are safe from spam reports. In a way, it's similar to insurance.

Basically, you have to follow up with your leads and stay in contact with them at all times and auto responder software does that automatically and easily. Believe me, customers expect you to follow up with them periodically, and if you don't, you are seen as a liability and they will leave your list without even a goodbye.

Use auto responders for follow up and you will always have a satisfied list of buyers on a constant basis.

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Forex Online Software Trading

By Kelvin Bosh

There is a reason why so many people just cannot seem to make money out of the Forex market is because they are far too prone to investing their money in the wrong manner. Things would really be looking bleak for such people except for the fact that now with the help of Forex online software trading there is a method that can help ensure that the path to riches can be determined in a clear manner. What's more, even a complete newbie can use Forex online software trading and profit from its use.

Don't Become Nervous

In fact, the current downturn in the economy is making ordinary investors nervous and this nervousness can easily make them burn their fingers by entering into the wrong trades. With the stock market too in considerable turmoil the only real way out is to use Forex online software trading that can help you benefit from a relatively robust foreign exchange market.

The key to success in Forex trading and especially in the case of beginning traders lies in using the right Forex online software trading as this option certainly helps to provide consistent and better returns and it also ensures that you can trade in a hands-off manner from your home.

The Forex market is known to be very volatile though at the same time many opportunities will present them from time to time that are worth taking advantage of. The other key to succeeding with Forex trading is learning to spot currency trends and using these trends to your advantage. Here, Forex online trading software is the way to go as it can do two very useful things for you. First of all, it will analyze what the most favorable market condition is and this it does because of its special algorithms that help in predicting patterns in currency trading which are arrived at by using historical data.

Secondly, the most important benefit to using Forex online software trading is that the software can execute favorable deals on your behalf as the software is also able to accurately know when to enter a trade and when to exit it.

A Forex exchange is the place where all currencies are traded. The other names for this place include Forex and also foreign exchange market and from the year 1970 when it started to evolve to the present many notable changes have taken place that have ensured that even ordinary investors can enter into currency trades - unlike the pre-1970 situation when only banks and large financial institutions indulged in Forex trading.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Blot out online complaints of being a scam hurriedly

By Ines Fields

A lot of individuals now have been utilizing the net for a lot of things. The truth is, it is an awesome digital universe for mom and pops who want to increase their market share to people just looking for the latest in celebrity news. It may be wonderful or downright ugly, but there will always be something for anyone in cyberspace.

How and why do some people relish the thought of pulling other people down and lambasting their character and reputation online? They do it by generating negative content, slander and libel, and a host of malicious posts. Some may be disgruntled employees and customers, wily competitors and even web wizards who frankly do it just for the heck of it.

Anyone could fall prey to people attempting to destroy another person's reputation. But you must know that there are ways to manage online reputation especially if it's something that brings you business. There are a ton of easy ways to get a handle on yor reputation management online and here are some of the things that most people do.

One way could be to simply forget that it's happening. It's happened a lot of times that these things end up disappearing--especially if you're not a large enough brand. But remember that whatever happens online can end up sticking around forever.. It could happen to happen to anyone.. It could also happen to you.

Others think that they can conduct reputation management online by going all-out assertive. Going after the offenders through the legal route should teach them a lesson but that's only if you actually win. Most of the time, lawsuits are only financially messy, time-consuming and sadly, unhelpful. There is no surefire guarantee that this option will be able to really give brand protection, but it could be enough for you to scare people to take down and retract their malicious acts of defamation slander.

This next alternative is kind of difficult to do on your own. In fact, it is best done by professionals who know their way around search engines and most especially have reputation management online repair services.

This just isn't something that is possible to do by someone who dabbles in this from time to time. It will need you to use a team who will perform a variety of search engine reputation management methods. Creating content that is for your camp and will build a positive image is just one of them.

Of course, there are a host of similarly simple ways that you can apply to conduct online reputation management. Registering and creating your personal account among social networking media is one such way. The more popular social sites nowadays include Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, which rank the highest in search engine page ranks and results. Aside from this, monitor the web on a regular basis and Google yourself at all times. This way, you will be able to track and check if there are current postings that could put you and your business in a bad light.

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a financier guide to avoiding micro-cap fraud

By Brenda Bowman

Investing in penny stocks is a great option for many investors. However, one must properly monitor the risks and always get accurate, updated information. The thing is: getting enough data about "penny stocks" issued by small-scaled companies can be challenging. Why? These companies are not obligated by the SEC to file updates. Hence, investors usually have a hard time finding out about these companies' management, finances, and major market offerings.

When reliable information is hard to come by, fraudsters can easily spread erroneous and/or misleading information about penny stocks, in the process making profits for themselves while generating losses for clueless investors. Here are a few ways to spot potential penny stock scams:

Spam is equal to Scam. It's common for fraudsters to distribute junk mail or spam in the internet. These kinds of emails contain nothing but false and deceiving information about penny stock companies which are sent to as many people as possible. If you find one in your inbox, delete it right away.

Hyping it up with Promos. Several penny stock companies tap into sales or promotions firm in order to create a credible image. They use different forms of media such as TV, radio, newsletters, and online streaming shows to promote their products in full blast. These agencies are often responsible for the spam messages you receive. Although there are laws stating that the sponsoring party should be disclosed, most fraudsters don't observe this - they just continue making people think that they are getting sound advice.

Heating it up with Cold Calls. Cold calling is one of the tactics of dishonest stockbrokers. In most cases, there is a sales force tasked to cold call as many investors as possible in a day. These people push investors to deposit their cash for "house stocks", or stocks which the firm markets, acquires or keeps in its inventory. But the only purpose of this tactic is to drive up the stock prices.

Wrong Number? Maybe Not. If you receive a call from a stranger telling you some investment advices which are supposed to be given to a friend, you better be wary. These callers are trained in such a way that they will look like they are unaware that they dialed the wrong number. In cases like these, you can safely assume that they really intended to call you. These wrong number callers are paid to send messages to their targets from a list of phone numbers.

PR Matters! Another method of fraudsters is the use of press releases which contain overstated information regarding their services, products, and financial status. Suspicious PRs like these are usually the topic in online finance and news sites. As an example, the "pump and dump" system makes use of exaggerated PR to encourage investors to purchase a stock as early as possible.

In short, these schemes are used by unscrupulous individuals claiming that they have the latest information about the best stocks in the market. They even announce their possession of financial indicator to help the investor choose the right stocks. One thing is for sure: when these people sell their shares, the price of a stock will definitely decline, making newbie investors lose a lot of money.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

an inquiry of a career in modeling

By Sharlene Little

People may, at many points in their lives, assume the roles of fictional or non-fictional characters. To a certain extent, they may be considered actors in their own right although they do not necessarily act in front of a crowd or a camera. While this skill may be considered troublemaking for children and young people, it actually can be very useful as a career option. The ability to perform is useful if a person were to build a career in acting.

Acting as a profession can be as lucrative as it is entertaining. It is contagious in the sense that the audience can empathize with the emotions presented in the film or play as they become involved in the story. At times, the viewers can very much relate to the life and experiences of the characters. However, if the story is lame or the acting is poor, the audience could leave the theater or cinema appalled or unmoved.

The story of a play or film is comprised of all the events in a plot. There are five parts of the plot, according to German dramatist Gustav Freytag. The first part is exposition (introduction of characters and setting), followed by rising action or conflict (problems arise), then the climax (the highest point of the story), and afterwards falling action (the turning point of the story), and then resolution (the conclusion, outcome or ending). The plot of many, maybe most stories, is about a hero fighting an enemy. Now the hero can be fighting a whole bunch of enemies such as monsters or zombies, a hostile family (say, the heroine's angry brothers), a crooked government, or the hero's own self.

Actors often have to go through a series of acting workshops to harness their skills. Aside from acting skills, they likewise need to develop skills in speaking, singing, and dancing, among other things. Actors who possess a lot of talent are usually those tagged as versatile or multi-talented. They are likely to get the projects that require greater flexibility and versatility. If you think you're acting material, at some point you'll want to investigate talent agencies. These agencies can give you a necessary boost, but make sure they're honest; a lot of them are out to get your money. Avoid scams by doing your homework.

Aside from having great acting skills, actors can best communicate with the audience through the aid of supporting actors. There rarely are one-man films, and the presence of other characters in a story usually makes it more entertaining.

Then in addition, a great film or play requires a great setting or location. It can be a real one or artificially created just for the film. The quality of the props, costumes, backdrops and other paraphernalia used in the shooting is of great importance as these elements help create the world of the characters.

One thing that is also essential is to have a good director. He is responsible for the flow and development of the story in general. He is also the one who make proposals on how to portray the roles of all types of actors in the film, how the location should be arranged and how cameras should work. Furthermore, a film or theater production requires a lot of individuals to assist production. There should be people responsible for the lighting, costumes, provisions, editing, choreography and so on.

Now all these elements, actors, directors, and staff could not work on something worthwhile unless there is a story or script worth filming or staging. The role of scriptwriters should therefore be emphasized. Without a great plot or story, there is no film or play to begin with. The message that actors and all the others want to communicate actually originates and resonates from the heart and mind of the scriptwriter.

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Choosing The Right College For You

By Sandra Jones Dickenson

Education is one thing very important that human beings ought to have in their life. And for this certain reason, there are a lot of people trying to get their undergraduate or post graduate education from any university that has a good reputation. Nonetheless, discovering the best college for you isn't only determined by the reputation of the college only. There are loads of points that you must take into account carefully before choosing a certain place to study.

The first consideration is your purpose. Just determine why you're continuing your studies in the university. If you wish to improve your future profession, select any university that becomes the leader in the certain degree that you want to achieve. For instance, if you wish to study creative writing University of East Anglia will be the finest choice. Or, you may choose University of Oxford if you are interested to study business.

Nonetheless, selecting a certain subject is somehow confusing. If in case you have decided on a certain topic to study associated along with your future career plan, it is going to be easier. You just need to take associated topic with your future goal. For example, you can take law should you plan to be a lawyer. However if you have not decided a certain plan on your future, you can select a certain subject that you're good in.

The second consideration is the location of the university. Make sure that you have to be happy to stay in the certain city or environment. Why? It is very important for you to enjoy the life there because you will spend at the least eight months a year there. Consider the distance from your hometown because it is going to be an important aspect as well. If you wish to experience independent life, you can select a college as far as you can. But if you still want to come home and visit your dad and mom sometimes, it's better for you to select a nearer one.

The third aspect to be considered is the cost. Certainly, it will be an important factor to be ready when you're going to enter any university. Different universities require you to spend completely different amounts of money. Nonetheless, you can still apply for any scholarship programs that thankfully can be found in several forms.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Don't Accept The First Agent That Comes Along - It Is Better To Have No Agent On Your Side Than Having A Bad One

By Jesse Smith

Types of things to watch out for with agents:

Charging the author a fee up front, to be accepted as a client. You might be presented this fee under the terms of reading fee, or monthly office expense. The best agents, and most successful ones, only charge a percentage fee of royalties the author earns, typically 15%. Suppose a realtor charged you a fee to come over and tour your house before getting the listing? That realtor would probably be ditched very quickly.

Charging back unusually large "postage and copying fees" to send out an authors' work. A known not-so-reputable agency accepts all manuscripts sent to them, and then charges its clients $10 for each submission to publishers. Generally speaking, a letter and a sample chapter do not cost $10 to send. This company makes a fortune from these fees whether or not they actually successfully market any of their clients work.

If an agent sends you to a book doctor, run! Unfortunately, it is a problem when the agent knows the editor they are referring their client to. Some agents get referral fees from editing services.

There can be a great variety of terms in agency contracts, and they are hardly ever alike. Don't omit reading the whole contract. None of the clauses are standard.

The agent does not have good contacts with publishers. The agent's value to you is in the relationships they have with publishers, so that if the publisher hears from them, they know the book is worth taking a look at. You can ask the agent to provide some rejection letters he or she has received from publishers. If what you see is something that looks more like form rejection letters than letters sent to the agent by someone they know, it is very possible that the agent is only submitting to publisher he has picked out randomly, without having a previous relationship with them.

Puts forth a weak effort or gives up on the client's project after a few months. You have a right to ask how active the agent is going to be. Ask them which publishers they plan on submitting to, and how they plan on following up. They should also be able to report to you and let you know who they have submitted to, and what results they have had. You must determine how much time and attention they are really going to give you.

There is another important reason why you should make sure your agent is someone you can trust - after selling your work to a publisher, the publisher sends the money to the agent who, after deducting their own percentage, sends it to you. It would be awful to entrust someone with a poor reputation with something you have worked so hard for.

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an investor guide to steering clear of micro-cap scams

By Roberto Hawkins

Penny stock fraud typically involves one or several kinds of investor fraud: Pump and dump schemes that use false or misleading statements to hype up stocks, which are then "dumped" on the public at inflated prices, usually through telemarketing or Internet fraud; chop stocks, or stocks bought for pennies but sold for dollars, affording both brokers and promoters massive profits "under the table" in undisclosed payoffs; and dump and dilute schemes, wherein fraudulent companies issue shares repeatedly, reverse-splitting the stocks or changing their names. Following are a few ways to protect yourself against such scams:

Beware of emails that promote any kind of stock aggressively. People who do this are often not operating under their real names. They can be anyone from a stockbroker or a company insider.

Secondly, ignore unsolicited telemarketing calls. These people usually work from temporary offices equipped with telephones being manned by aggressive salesperson's who promise things that are too good to be true. If you receive a call like this, don't give in to the pressure! Never invest in any stock that you don't even understand at all. The logical thing to do in this situation is to hang up.

Ask your broker for their CRD (Central Registration Depository) number. Call your state securities office to learn if your broker has a disciplinary record of some kind, and if the investment they are pushing is properly registered. Don't ever transact with brokers who can't provide you with written data about the investments they're hawking.

Fourth, if there are any unreliable press releases or data about a certain company, the SEC has the power to hold the trading transactions of that certain stock for ten days. So better think twice prior to investing in a certain stock, especially if that certain stock has undergone any SEC suspension in the past. You can verify the information through the SEC internet site.

Fifth, there is an SEC regulation known as the "Regulation S" which does not require certain companies to register the stocks that they are selling to foreign investors. Therefore, suspicious penny stock companies can sell their Reg-S shares at very low prices to fraudsters who act as foreign investors. These fraudsters eventually sell it back to American investors at radically high rates, getting large amounts of profits, which they basically share with the company insiders.

If you think you've been the victim of penny stock fraud, remember that according to the law, you only have a limited time period to take legal action. Talk to your broker right away, and find out exactly what happened who said what, when? Did you take notes on what you were told at the time? If you think your broker engaged in fraudulent transactions, put your complaint in writing immediately and send it to their firm. This could be the only way to prove that you complained to them.

If you're still not satisfied, send a letter to your state securities regulator, attaching copies of all the communications you've sent to the brokerage. Or else, send your complaint to the SEC directly using their online complaint form.

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Avoid the Headache of a Bad Hotel by Reading Reviews

By Robert Nickel

The very nature of marketing is to promote the best aspects of any establishment or business in order to win the attention and patronage of the public. Any hotel can be presented in such a way in its own promotional materials as to make it look like a beautiful, comfortable haven worth every penny of the room charges, occupancy taxes, and gratuity fees.

The photographs presented on the hotel's website, in its brochures and among its listings with various travel services are strategically chosen to market the very best visual aspects of the facilities and services the hotel provides to visitors. While these photographs can be truly representative of the entire grounds and accommodations offered by the hotel, they may also be only the very best views of a less-than-adequate business.

Too often tourists arrive at their hotels only to find that the majority of the facilities don't match up to the few images to which they had been privy when booking their accommodations. Don't be disappointed by your hotel decor or comfort level. Be sure to read reviews of the hotel posted by past visitors.

Reading the promotional materials of hotels and resorts will lead you to believe that each and every hotel out there is the very best available. Hotels promote themselves as providing the most comfortable accommodations, the most beautiful grounds and guest rooms, the very best customer service, and the most delicious and affordable room service or on-site dining.

The reality is that not every hotel can be as good as marketing materials would have you believe. Too often you will only discover this fact after arriving at a hotel and beginning your vacation or business trip.

Don't be disappointed by the hotel staffs' dedication to quality service. Don't find that the hotel is actually understaffed and does not have the ability to meet the needs of all its guests. Don't get stuck with a hefty hotel bill for sub-par service and poor accommodations.

Find out as much as you can about the hotel before you make reservation. The very best way to accomplish this is to read reviews from previous visitors and tourism industry experts. Each type of review will provide you with different insights, all of which will benefit your decision-making process in determining which hotel will give you and your family the best possible experience while on vacation.

Finding a hotel that falls within your budget and expectation ranges can be challenging. You must be realistic about the types of accommodations and services that will be offered within your budget range. If you have a lean vacation budget, you may need to be satisfied with a less posh, more affordable hotel.

Just because it's a budget hotel doesn't mean that it has to be seedy, unattractive or uncomfortable. Finding hotels within a particular budget range that are beautiful, comfortable, and affordable is often best achieved through reading the reviews of previous visitors.

Other individuals who traveled on a budget are a great resource for quality hotel information. These people will be able to give you an honest and realistic image of what their hotel experiences were like. You'll be able to find out what the rooms really offer, how the hotel staff treats guests, and what the dining amenities are like.

Knowing if other visitors were satisfied with their entire hotel stay can help you decide if the hotel is right for you. Learning where the hotel's weaknesses lie can help you determine if those weaknesses are acceptable for the price or if they are deal-breakers. Sometimes hotel reviews can point out weaknesses in particular hotels that you will find completely acceptable, especially when the room prices are truly a bargain.

Professional reviews from tourism industry experts can give you insight into aspects of the hotel's accommodations, amenities and operations that individual tourists may not document in their personal reviews. Those who work within the industry are more accustomed to providing details on all the various aspects of hotels that tourists find important.

What may be important to an individual traveler may not be at all important to another individual. Reading the reviews of individual travelers is a good idea but surveying tourism industry reviews is also recommended. By combining the information gleaned from both sources, you will get a more realistic, all-encompassing view of the facilities and services provided by each hotel that you're considering.

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The Role of Medical Business Cards for Health Professionals

By Adam Canfield

A business card yields countless uses for a medical man. They are capable of communicating crucial info while setting up a commending impact. On the part of every provider of medical services, it is especially necessary lay out patients, clients and venders with an information card that reflects both reliance and professionalism.

Medical business cards work for almost everybody that practices medicine, not simply physicians. Such practice probably would include therapists, executives, health professionals, designers and a variety of other medicine related disciplines.

How Important Is A Medical Business Card?

Individuals affected in aspects related to medical community noticed that it is a quick changing ground with invariably altering relationship flow. Frequent contact between patient roles, venders, workfellows and co workers passes on a regular basis and a business calling card could result to a clear and good communication.

Medical sessions between health professionals and patients usually take place under opposing considerations. The patients are quite feeling pain, emotional tension and pressured by time. A well projected calling card that displays really important feature that has to do with the practitioner and their professional position cater essential info which could be referred to later. Medical business cards are likewise employed by patients to refer other individuals to the care supplier.

For those of you on the supporting face of the health related sector, identity cards are specifically notable. While patients oftentimes lay down a primary alliance with the chief medico, other fellow members of the medical team are less seen. A medical card exhibits patients instantly to names and contact info for help personnel whose services may be asked at a later time.

Draft Factors

Medical business cards maybe created differently and uniquely. They could go for the old fashioned figure that only holds crucial details with a white or other plain background. Colors or even symbols are usually added to come up with a glamorous card or to draw attention for a certain matter. These identity cards could even be printed on both faces for a twofold aim by allotting a space for some appointments on such specific dates and times.

First rate print shops put up both computerized and graphic design services which supplies the accurate card for professional persons hired in every part of the medical industry.

Marketing in the Field of Medicine

Wisely manufactured medical business cards are a fantastic strategy of yielding patients and customers with really important info about the supplier while functioning as an unassuming merchandising instrument also.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Economy And Education Are Related

By Sandra Jones Dickenson

It is no news to anybody the world over that the American financial system experienced a significant slump of late. This recession has left many Americans unemployed, or struggling to make ends meet in their daily life. Nonetheless, for many countries, this offers a wonderful opportunity. A weak American dollar means that the currency in a lot of other countries is worth more - which means that people in search of an inexpensive approach to attend college can find no better place to go than America.

Nevertheless, this does not mean that it's best to totally forget the economic problems that America has faced. As a university student, you might have more cash to spend than you would attending a college in your native country, but you will likely still have to have a job during your college years to make payments on necessities similar to rent and food. This means that when you find yourself selecting a university to attend in America, take the economic system within the city where the college is located into consideration.

Larger cities specifically have been affected by this recession, however that does not mean they all have. The large cities that have experienced extreme declines in job availability and standard of living are those that have based their economies on a single industry, generally these industries that produce non-necessities such as technology and automobiles.

For instance, Detroit, Michigan has an economy based almost solely on the auto industry. When the recession hit, the auto industry was one of the first to go down, with large automobile manufacturers nearly going bankrupt. This has triggered the standard of living in Detroit to take a sudden plummet - workers for that industry have been left without jobs, and have suffered due to it.

On the flip side, cities that base their economies on more consistently wanted items, such as the production of food, have barely been impacted by the recession at all. It is because though many Americans have much less cash to spend on luxuries, they'll always need things like food and shelter. Cities within the heart of America, notably those that thrive within the area of agriculture, have one of the best economies right now and are the best bet for anybody, including future college students such as yourself, to find a stable job.

Social Networking Kicks Ass

By Faye Hall

Social network services is an online service and social media agencies both focus on building and reflecting ahead on interacting with one and another, this can be used for websites, businesses and in particular for social reasons.

A social Network service fundamentally consists information about you. Most social services are web based and provide means for users to interact over the internet. Some of the biggest forms and types of social media and web pages are Bebo, Facebook, Flixster, Flickr,, My space and Twitter

Social can be used in many ways and certainly in a professional manner. Networking with others is important so we can gain contacts for our future prospects in life. For example meeting and making friends at your local sports club may lead you into knowing someone that could offer you a future job career.

Social networking system such as Facebook has emerged rapidly over the years. The web page has been designed so you have the options to create events, manage meetings, set up socials, use of advertising space (cost effective), posting blogs or videos and also instant messaging. Having the option of a variety of links and using the site which is free, really does give Facebook credibility of being one of the best social network web page.

Facebook's main aim is about keeping everyone connected and sharing things with people that are in your life. A lot of businesses and developers have a tendency to set up a page also because they find this network is rather resourceful to them. In today's society technology is quickly developing enormously that Facebook has developed an application for mobile Facebook which can be used now for what they call Facebook texts. Facebook have exclusively designed mobile technology for some of the best selling phones such as Android, Blackberry, I-Phone, Sony Ericsson and Nokia.

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Arriving With The Best MBA Specialization That Fits Your Career Option

By Homer Simpsons

Getting a MBA degree is not a very easy task. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Choosing your MBA specialization is even tougher. You have to keep in mind the latest trends, and then decide. If you are confused regarding which specialization to go for, then this article can help you. In this article, you will be detailed upon some of the latest trends in MBA.

Facebook and Twitter are more than just sites to connect with your friends. They have now become an important medium to market your business. Many people use such sites to gain clientele. Therefore, many major business schools are now offering social networking as a specialization, which falls under marketing.

Another new specialization on the block is entrepreneurial studies. Due to the current bad financial trends, people are finding it hard to find job for themselves. This has held to the development of interest in this area.

We see many people opting for it as their MBA specialization.

Like it is true for many social institutions of the society, MBA programs are also keeping the well being of environment in sight. Many corporations are now aiming to conduct business in the greenest way.

This is new development. Keeping this in sight, MBA programs now include new specialization, which is environmental policy.

Our society is facing many problems. We, as the member of the society, have a responsibility towards it. Top notch universities are now offering courses in social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship deals with running businesses in way that it does not aggravate the societal problems. The focus is on solving societal problems.

Make sure to choose your specialization on the basis of your interest and skills. select a specialization that allows you to advance your career. As far as the choices are concerned, they are plenty. You have to decide for yourself keeping in mind your abilities.

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Going Forward To Your Leadership Career

By Jason Mahoney

Cubicle life isn't for everyone. While many want positions of more authority, some prefer to use a professional skill that they have. Still others may choose a leadership role that is part of a team effort that they can lead to success. Whatever the role make sure that it is one that you want.

For those who are thinking of a career in business management, it should be their main priority to assume leadership roles early on in their career, especially at the entry-level. You must demonstrate a take-charge attitude even when you are on the same skill level as others. It will get noticed by your superiors.

If you are a results driven type of person and are successful at it this can only help to excel you in your career. Asserting yourself and having the skills to accomplish your goals will eventually get you a promotion. When you have gone through the various levels of your career you may want to think about management.

Management is not a fixed occupation like many other careers such as a computer programmer or accountant. Each business has its own method of operations and you need to learn what the structure is in order to fit into the management role.

Some who manage smaller companies find this role more comfortable because there are no superiors in charge sending down directions. Also a smaller more manageable team is far more dedicated and the manager basically has creative freedom to make business decisions.

Even though smaller companies have their advantages, they also have their disadvantages as well, such as not enough funding and longer working hours to meet the business's demands. In such instances working for a larger company may have more advantages and perks but it depends on the culture of the business and structure.

Larger companies have many different levels of management and that is how the organization is structured. There are managers that range from low level to mid level to district managers all the way to the top of the company. No matter what level management is still done the same way, directing and leading others toward success.

There are numerous ads for management positions. If you want to enter this career field apply for a position and work your way through the ranks to greater authority and responsibility.

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Work At Home - Stop Hard Selling

By Brian Lett

Be honest. You work at home, but do not know how to become the "go to" person in your niche. If this is the case, you should not feel bad. There are so many other people who are in the same situation. Of course, we have seen the people who are highly known in their field and might even wonder how they got there. What I can assure you of, is that they did not get there by accident. These branded individuals got here by taking the focus off of money. I understand that this seems to be contradictory to what we are doing here. After all, we want to work at home and make money online. However, if you approach everything with this motive, it will become apparent to those with whom you attempt to associate. Consequently, if you place the focus on the subject, and help them to make money, they will then make money for you. I live by this business model in my business, and I highly recommend it.

Now assuming that the objective of your business model is to make sure that everyone within your niche market knows about your business, why not introduce yourself? There are several ways that you can do this. For instance, article marketing is a favorite of mine. Not only are you able to make your niche aware of your existence, you also can prove to them that you know what you are talking about. Other ways to do this are by answering questions posted on niche forums and leaving your signature at the end. Plus, you can also leave comments on blogs, also placing your signature at the end of your comment. The most important fact is that you are showing value to others within your niche market.

Furthermore, it is important that you treat everyone with whom you make contact in your business with the utmost respect. You never know who your are dealing with, and word travels quickly online. Doing this will lead to your establishing a positive reputation as a reliable business entity. The more positive the experience of a customer, the more people they will tell. The more negative the experience of a customer, the more people they will tell. Do not ever underestimate the viral power of the internet.

Additionally, it is important to always provide your potential customers with the opportunity to learn more about your products or services. However, the focus of this communication should be on how your products or services will benefit the end user, not the offers themselves. You have to show the customer what is in it for them. The days of hard selling have expired. If someone feels as though they are being sold to, they will quickly leave your website and continue to search for what they need. Your customers want to be educated with facts, not sold to. As a result, you must focus your marketing, promotion, and publicity on empowering the customer, and giving them the means to make a proper decision. More often then not, they will make the decision to go with the company which provided them with information (ie. your company).

Now that we know what we need to do to at least get the attention of our potential customers, let us take a look at what we are offering to them. Ideally, you want to offer something which is of high quality and value to your target market, whether it be a product or service. Furthermore, it is important that you show confidence in your offer by minimizing the risk for your customers. This can be done by offering some sort of guarantee to your customers. If you follow what has been laid out in this article, there is not question that you can work at home and have a high degree of success.

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