Friday, July 8, 2011

Helping Your Community - Woman Working From Home Explains How She Is Giving Back

By Lindsey Rowe

It's a good feeling knowing that you can help someone without expecting to be paid, particularly when it's on your own doorstep. Doing your bit in the knowledge that you are making a difference and having a positive impact in a community you belong to, care deeply for and are a part of, gives you a great sense of satisfaction. It's good to give back without expecting anything in return and it's something to feel proud of.

You probably help in your community without realising it. Do you help in a local school, a youth club or playgroup? Maybe you coach a football team in your spare time. I'm sure this is ringing a few bells and if you stop to think about it, you help in all sorts of ways.

Our annual show is coming to the West Country in England, taking place close to my home in an area that's been in my family for several generations. Now that I'm a woman working from home, I'm glad to be helping to promote the show that will see exhibitors from the West Country in England all come together for the day, particularly so as it's in an area that's very special to me, giving me a deep sense of belonging and gratitude.

Now in it's eighteenth year, the very popular Mid Devon Show, held at Post Hill in the fields of Hartnoll Farm, close to the Market Town of Tiverton will see some 15,000 visitors come together for a day of entertainment and showing where the best of the breeds will be on view to the public. There'll be cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and poultry along with demonstrations and exhibitions, trade stands, games, craft and lots to eat, combining the best the West Country has to offer.

Visitors of every age and interest flock to the show each year, knowing there'll be something for everyone. It's a rural agricultural show with a reputation for being traditional and unique with a 'community feel' that comes from none of the commercialism that many of the larger shows have. It's a show organised by local people for local people and it's a golden opportunity to socialise with friends from the past.

When asked by the organiser if I'd volunteer to help, I jumped at the chance. My connection with the beautiful area of Devon in which the show is held and where I live is very special to me.

With my PR and Marketing background, this was a golden opportunity to use my skills to help publicise the show. So I set about writing articles for distribution to the press.

The proof will be in the pudding, as the saying goes and I'll be delighted if my articles help to boost numbers on the day and make a difference to the success of the show. It will have made all my hard work and effort worth it, burning the midnight oil into the early hours, researching the exhibitors & producers I took care to write about.

Giving back to a close knit community I care deeply for and one that is such a large part of my life is extremely rewarding.

It's a great feeling knowing that a woman working from home like me, can help to make a difference. I was delighted to be asked and even happier to deliver.

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