Friday, February 25, 2011

Learning How Tomatoes Grow

By Norm Stewart

Tomato growers who are new to the industry will come across a few challenges. Those obstacles or challenges can be minimized or avoided by making thorough arrangements. Tomatoes just like most fruits require intense preparation. There are no excuses, you need to learn how to grow these tomatoes. You have to know how tomatoes grow so that you'll have fruits that rich in taste or flavor and significant in size. This is the journey that anyone should take.
How tomatoes grow is not by accident, it is intentional and only you can define whether or not your fruits will become quality tomatoes or not.

How tomatoes grow is never accidental.
When you plant your tomatoes, never overcrowd them.Tomatoes are fast growers so they need room to branch out. The moment that you see their first leaves start to come out, you need to transplant them. Tomatoes just like any other fruit or plant need enough sunlight. Natural sunlight is always the best one.

But in the event that you lack a natural source of sunlight, you can always substitute it for light from fluorescent grow lamps. On an average, tomatoes need about 14 to 18 hours of light from the fluorescent grow lamps.
Tomatoes need a bit of movement so you'll need a fan to simulate natural breeze. The fan needs to be a few inches from your tomato plant and has to be turned for 5 to 10 minutes twice in a day.

Tomatoes need a bit of breeze for movement so you'll need a fan to simulate it. Position the fan a few inches away from your tomato plants and turn it on at least twice a day with 5 to 10 minutes in between.
Another facet of growing tomatoes is watering. Water your tomatoes during the early mornings so that the water doesn't evaporate too much as a result of the sun's heat. Most people who water their tomato plants late in the morning suffer the wrath of the sun's heat. This in turns lets water evaporate as a result of the sun's already potent heat. This rule needs to be taken seriously.
How tomatoes grow is not based on chance or accident.The grower dictates the outcome

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